
What Do You Say To Somebody Who Is Licking Their Finger To Open A Bag Or To Separate Money



<font color=reddish>Channels George Michael in her motorcar

  • #1

so PLEASE do non lick your fingers before opening the pocketbook and so scanning my groceries. I practice non want your spit on my stuff.
that is all :)

  • #2

Eww! I use moisture paper towels for that.


<font color=green>The simply manner is if you have the

  • #3

I agree 100%!!! There is a woman who works at my local scrapbook store and someday she has to band up scrapbook newspaper for anybody, she does the finger lick with near every piece of paper! :scared1: :sick:



<font color=blood-red>Channels George Michael in her car

  • #4

LOL as you lot might have guessed this happened to me today............and I said something to the "licker"
I had to. Couldn't finish myself. Information technology has happened too many times, I just couldn't go along my mouth close.
I said it very nicely though, and I did tell her she shouldn't lick for her ain sake too, she could get sick.
who knows what germs are on the coin she touches.



Dairy World? Fairy World! OH, DARN IT!!

  • #6

I worked for quite a few years equally a banking company teller. You would non believe how many of my co-workers would lick their fingers and then count stacks of nasty, muddied dollar bills!!! EEEEEEWWWW!!! Nosotros had a bunch of glycerine cakes on hand to "tackify" our fingers, but in that location were always a few tellers who chose to become all that germy, yucky money spitty instead. Gross. :scared1:

  • #7

Ugh, this reminds me of an experience in HyVee the other dark. I stopped past to pick upward some dinner, and the guy at the counter was eating. He and so came upwardly to serve my nutrient without washing his hands. Ummmm, no! I used to work in a HyVee kitchen. I asked him to wash his hands, and I watched in disbelief as he walked dorsum at that place, ran his easily nether the water, and and so came back. No lather or annihilation. Information technology was peradventure for five seconds, if that.

I promptly left the counter and asked to speak to a manager. I (politely) informed him that they but lost their sale because it is obvious the kitchen staff does not take nutrient rubber seriously. He looked really pissed off, and I could tell there was going to be hell to pay!

I don't care what role you are in: cashier, stocker, food server. I exercise not want your germs!

  • #viii

I had a grocery shop bagger cough into my groceries the other day. She bagged and coughed -- and coughed and bagged. No covering of the oral cavity. I could see spit flying into my bags.

I finally merely said, "Permit me do that for you!" :) I don't mind bagging my ain groceries. :)

  • #12

I went to our local McDonalds drive through a few months ago, and handed the cashier my debit card. She swiped it, then while waiting for the receipt to come up, SCRATCHED HER Head WITH MY DEBIT Bill of fare!!!

Yes, information technology was a while before I went back to that McDonalds.



<font color=royalblue>I'll have to remember that o

  • #13

In one case I went to Boston Market and the lady serving the food got gravy on her finger. She apace licked it off and connected serving. Maybe she did non know what she did. We asked her to wash her easily and kickoff once again.

We witnessed a Subway employee apply his teeth to open up a parcel of dejeuner meat. We reported him to the director so that he could acquire proper technique for opening things. That might work at habitation, but non in a public situation. He was young. Was something I could see my son doing. :rotfl2:

We accept recently witnessed the cashier finger licking thing for the plastic bags. My mother was grossed about information technology equally was I, but I tin sympathise how this might non bother the cashier. she was older and maybe not so into the whole germ matter. While yep, I was grossed out at the idea of her passing germs to me, I couldn't help but be more mortified at the thought that she was passing so many germs to herself.

I remember the nearly disgusting matter was working the bulldoze thru of Brurger King. We had a KFC across the street. In that location was a man who went to KFC bulldoze thru first and was chowing down on a greasy slice of fried craven as he pulled to my window. He did not even attempt to wipe his easily before digging for his money. Ewwwww.......I had to accept it.

When my brother and I were little, my female parent caught my brother licking the acme of the ketchup dispenser (you lot know the kind that look similar a sharpened pencil on elevation). Mom had to give information technology to the manager for sterilization. Sometimes the individual packets are improve :thumbsup2



<font color=royalblue>I'll have to remember that o

  • #14

I went to our local McDonalds drive through a few months agone, and handed the cashier my debit carte. She swiped it, and so while waiting for the receipt to come up up, SCRATCHED HER Caput WITH MY DEBIT CARD!!!

Yep, it was a while before I went dorsum to that McDonalds.

I would rather encounter her scratch her head with a debit card than place it in her mouth. It alwasy grossed me out when people would put coin in their rima oris to hold while excavation for modify.

  • #15

I would rather run across her scratch her head with a debit card than place it in her oral cavity. It alwasy grossed me out when people would put coin in their rima oris to agree while excavation for change.

Oh, I hear yous on that one! I was a grocery shop cashier back in high school, and I had to take coin that women would pull out of the BRAS! And it was warm and clammy, oooooooh gross! I always put that money on the bottom.



<font colour=royalblue>I'll have to remember that o

  • #16

Oh, I hear you on that one! I was a grocery shop cashier dorsum in high school, and I had to accept money that women would pull out of the BRAS! And it was warm and clammy, oooooooh gross! I always put that money on the bottom.

Not as gross, but I hated the customers that handed me pocket change that included a wad of lint (with string, hair,food particles, etc). I started collecting the lint in a small container. When the lint ball was big plenty to become reaction, I started using it to my reward. When a customer handed me change with lint ball, I pulled out mine and put it on the counter in front of them, told them no thanks, I had enough of my own, then handed them back THEIR pocket lint. If they thought my lint was gross, peradventure they could associate their lint as gross and keep it to themselves next time they become shopping. I know, these days I would probably be fired for doing that, but it was many years agone and I had a cool managing director. :thumbsup2



<font color=red>Channels George Michael in her automobile

  • #18

As a former director/counter sales person at a video store in a tourist area that is known for swimming and river tubing, I've seen people pull money out of places makes the finger licking for plastic bags await tame.

A simple solution for the bags would be to only BYOB (bring your own bags) ;)

LOL, I usually always bring my own numberless, I have virtually 15 in my motorcar! Merely it never fails the times I forget them in the car, I get the licking cashiers!!!:)

  • #20

[snip] If you lot accept contact with the public don't go to piece of work sick. [snip]

I am grossed out by the licking and sneezing and snotting also.

That said, many - if not most- low wage hourly workers do not get paid sick time and are frequently severely penalized for calling in sick. Yous look young in your avatar, but beleive me, there are plenty of people who need every time they make in thier minimum wage jobs just to keep the hire paid and put food on the table for thier kids. Its very easy for us centre course white collar types to say "stay home", but its not and then easy for people to do.


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